Fits an HGAM model
type = "t",
bs_t = "tp",
bs_s = "gp",
bs_g = "re",
k_t = 20,
k_s = 20,
k_g = NA,
func = "gam",
family = "gaussian",
calc_breaks = FALSE,
break_args = list(),
Data frame used for fitting. Should be constructed by the abr_data function
The type of regime detection model. One of "t", "st","s", "gt", "gst","gs". "t" indicates a temporal smoother, "s" indicates a spatial smoother, and "g" indicates a grouped (HGAM) smoother
The family mgcv or brms will use to fit the model.
basis types to be used for the temporal, spatial, and group-level smoothers
number of basis functions to use for temporal, spatial, and group-level smoothers
A fitted object of class 'abrupt_model' and 'HGAM'.